Alimed Results for Adults Cognition
Alimed Results for Adults Cognition
  • Treat a wide range of cognitive skills including memory, problem solving, reasoning, and planning/organization

Results for Adults Cognition Treat a wide range of cognitive skills including memory, problem solving, reasoning, and planning/organization with flexible, theme-based lessons. The 40 lessons are grouped by themes that represent common activities of daily living. The tasks and the items within the tasks are arranged in a hierarchy of difficulty and are highly adaptable to individual needs. Clients look at picture scenes, reading passages, and real-life visuals while the therapist presents the corresponding stimulus questions and directions. Each lesson is divided into two parts. Part I consists of a full-page picture scene with corresponding memory and rehearsal tasks. Part II expands the application of the theme to broader contexts that require problem solving and executive functions. Each lesson concludes with two or three suggestions for generalization tasks.

170 pages, softcover

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Results for Adults Cognition ALI2970009287
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