Sammons Preston Dycem® Non-Slip Bulk Roll Dispenser
Sammons Preston Dycem® Non-Slip Bulk Roll Dispenser
Introducing the new dispenser designed to hold Super Bulk Rolls. The dispenser can be placed on a table top or mounted on a wall. The Non-Slip material has a protective film on both sides, which keeps the material clean until ready to dispense. The protective film also makes cutting easier—simply pull out the desired length, cut and peel film from both sides when ready to use.

New Antimicrobial Additive:
Biomaster is a silver based antimicrobial additive which protects against the growth of unwanted microbes on the non-slip surface which may cause discoloration, degredation and mal-odors.

Dycem non-slip incorporating Biomaster Protection have been tested to ISO 22196:2011 standards.

Product SKU Price
Dycem Non-Slip Bulk Roll Dispenser SAMP564300
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