Sammons Preston Jaw Rehabilitation Program Kit
Sammons Preston Jaw Rehabilitation Program Kit
Program is a step-by-step series of treatments delineated into seven outcome levels. Clients will progress from improvement of sensory and motor skills to strengthening functional patterns of mandibular movement using chewy tubes. The kit contains six Chewy Tubes (3 at 3/8", 3 at 1/2" in diameter), protocol, and assessment forms. Additional Chewy Tubes sold separately.

Product SKU Price
Knobby Tube SAMP560650
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Program Kit SAMP920370
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Yellow Chewy Tube (3/8" in diameter) SAMP920372
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Red Chewy Tube (1/2" in diameter) SAMP920373
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Super Chewy Tube (5/8" in diameter) SAMP565825
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